Destination Boudoir Session in Havana with Paloma
Paloma and I met while I was working on a photo project in Havana, and we did a session on one of my last days there. Our location was a lovely mansion turned hotel, located on a hill with an excellent rooftop view of the entire city. I’d like to share her perspective of the experience, in her native Spanish followed by an English translation:
“Mi nombre es Paloma Rivero y no soy modelo, de hecho nunca me lo he planteado apesar de haber recibido en otras ocasiones invitaciones para hacer sesion de fotos..Tenía la curiosidad de hacerlo a modo profesional pero nunca lo intenté por vergüenza, por miedo a sentirme incomoda,por desconocimiento, por prejuicios y este tipo de cosas...
Conocí a Shane por azar de la vida y luego de ver algunos de sus trabajos me emocionaba mucho la idea de hacerme fotos con él ... y fue sencillamente genial!
Quiero decir que Shane es super profesional, respetuoso, ingenioso, se le ocurren maravillosas ideas constantemente.. y además es muy gracioso.Te hace sentir en total confianza.Te diviertes muchisimo y al mismo tiempo te hace sentir segura y sexy.. Yo no tenía ninguna experiencia en esto,recuerdo que él solo puso música suave y me recomendó dejarme llevar por el sonido, eso hice, y el resultado no pudo ser mejor!
Super agradecida. Saludos desde Cuba.🥰🇨🇺
My name is Paloma Rivero and I am not a model, in fact I have never thought about it despite having received invitations to take a photo session on other occasions. I was curious to do it professionally but I never tried it out of shame, out of fear of feeling uncomfortable, out of ignorance, prejudice and this kind of thing...
I met Shane by chance of life and after seeing some of his works I was very excited about the idea of taking pictures with him ... and it was simply great!
I want to say that Shane is super professional, respectful, ingenious, he comes up with wonderful ideas constantly.. and he is also very funny. He makes you feel in total confidence. You have a lot of fun and at the same time he makes you feel safe and sexy.. I didn’t have any experience in this, I remember that he only played soft music and recommended that I let myself be carried away by the sound, that’s what I did, and the result couldn’t be better!
Super grateful. Greetings from Cuba. 🥰🇨🇺”
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this session with Paloma. Contact me for information about booking a boudoir session of your own as well as travel/destination photo sessions.